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Making courage a Habit!

Have you come across the Podcast called “SUCCESS TALKS”.

These are distributed by the same team who publish the success magazine. These podcasts come out once a month and are FREE! I can recommend you downloading these series for when you are on the go to listen to. First one I listened to is by Margie Warrell on Making Courage a Habit. Here are a my key takes outs from that podcast………… What does it mean to be brave or have courage? So often we think it is about fearlessness but at the core of being brave is taking action in the presence of our self-doubt and fears that things won’t work out. That intentional and conscious choice to put our self at risk of losing something we value because there is something we want even more. Knowing what you stand for is the foundation upon which bravery is built. Margie explains how humans are wired for safety! We are wired to be on alert for potential threats to our wellbeing. Therefore this desire for safety and to protect our self is always fighting against our desire for growth and contribution. So knowing what you stand for is the foundation upon which bravery is built. Because unless you have a clear sense of what you most want to do in life you will go down the default path of choosing safety and staying in your comfort zone. This is how you find that courage to put yourself out there and take those risks. Its everyday little decisions that actually overtime have a far bigger impact the course of our life and our experiences than those really big dramatic changes in life. (getting married, quitting our job and changing career) It’s these small little things we do every day they help us build up our confidence and encourage us for the bigger things!! Be CEO of your own life no matter what you are doing.

Ask yourself, “what can I do today that even if I did fail it would be okay, I would still be glad that I did it!“

Whatever it was it truly moved you into a direction that inspired you and wasn’t just driven by moving away from what scared you! Bravery is like a muscle or a habit. Practice it daily to make it a part of your life. If we do it more often it becomes part of our default, it is what we do easily versus something that we have to work at. When we constantly tuning in to what it is that we most want and we connect with these emotions that come up for us and listen to those little voices in our head but not letting those voices rule us so that we are being intentional in the choices that we make, it becomes more habitual. Six steps to push through our fear and take the next step toward our big goals: 1.Connect with your goal to close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. 2.Picture yourself in 5-10 years having accomplished your goal. That vision is a great motivator to push past fear. 3.Picture yourself a year from now as if you’ve done nothing toward your goal. Regret is also a powerful motivator. 4.Break down your big goal into smaller pieces so you aren’t feeling overwhelmed by it. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just the next step. 5.Ask a friend or coach to keep you accountable and give them the task of checking up on you as you move toward your vision. 6.Be conscious of your body’s subtle cues. Keep your posture tall and walk with authority. Keep a smile on your face and move with intention.

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