Last night I attended a business chicks event. It was all centered around “WHAT SHOULD I EAT”?
We had a panel of experts on stage being:
Lola Berry – is a Australian nutritionist and Television host
Joe Wicks – is a fitness coach, TV presenter and author specialising in cooking and fitness books
Luke Hines – was a finalist on My Kitchen Rules & author, and my favourite
Damon Gameau – who is an Australian television and film actor who is the director of, and lead role in, That Sugar Film.
Key Take outs and tips from the panel which I found very useful and wanted to share include:
Empower ourselves about food – take responsibilities of what you need to learn about food for your body, don’t leave it to others.
Food shows have made food cool again! They have demonstrated that anyone can get in the kitchen and cook real food. (my kitchen rules, Master Chief)
Traveling tips – plan ahead and bring healthy food with you ie nuts, avocado. Luke has two backpacks when he travels 1 for clothes and 1 for food snacks he has prepared. “I will admit I did travel with lots of cans of Tuna and Apples on my last interstate trip – felt weird but no one said anything”. Exercise before breakfast while away – it will increase the desire to choose healthier options for breakfast and then for the rest of the day. There is always something healthier on the menu to choose!
Food is here to nourish you and share with people you love. Enjoy it and eat mindfully. Be present when eating and don’t take food because it us free, check if you are hungry?
If you happen to trip up in a day, don’t continue that for the rest of the day. Make better choices at the next opportunity. The more you do the easier and “normal” it will become.
Should we eat organic food. Answer is, Does it fit in your budget?
Some tips – farmers markets are great. The farmers may have organic produce but don’t have the resources to be certified, ask them?
Go to the central market towards closing time and buy up some bargains.
Check out the website This will tell you what are the mostly sprayed fruits & Vegs. Lola was saying these are the one she does make a point of buying organic.
Animal products – suggestion to buy with no hormones and yes organic. (vote with our $’s)
Alcohol – they all agreed that it is a depressant. There is different sugar content in different types of alcohol. Your body will deal with eliminating alcohol first and store food and deal with that later. The panel was split here, the main message is in moderation, do things you enjoy but don’t be afraid to say you don’t drink and yes you can still have fun!
If you wake in the morning and don’t feel hungry – try this for the next 2 weeks when you wake, a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon and apple cider vinegar!
Should we eat grains? Advice here was, how does it make your body feel? Review the quantity you are having and the quality of grains. (choose ancient grains). Lola’s advice was she replaces seeds for grains. Luke mentioned getting advice from a nutritionist (not on your own).
Check out the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Diet. (The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a very restrictive diet that removes foods considered to be gut irritants.) Once again do it with in consultation with an expert in the field.
Is coffee okay? Once again the panel was divided. Interesting to hear Damon say, he has “a different perception of the world” when he is on coffee!!.
The message was have good quality coffee, with diary substitutes and no more than 2 a day.
Fruit – Is great. Yes it has fructose which is broken down by your body and it there is fibre in fruit too.
Their last messages from the night:
Damon – be grateful and be kind to yourself
Luke – back, believe and love yourself, everything falls into place
Lola – enjoy the journey, there is a reason for everything
Joe – Take control of your body. Prepare your food. The day you lose your excuses will the day you will be successful.